# Variables that accept Templum syntax may use the following variables: # $action, $CONFIG_DIR, $device, $ga_enabled, $highlight (minibar only), # $minibar, $mobile, $name, $narrow, $openid_enabled, $orientation (minibar # only), $portal, $request_uri, $small, $theme, $url_scheme, $url_root # $portal is the values in this file after processing. # Name of your portal name: mountain.scura.red # Preferred URL for your portal (used in the top banner); # defaults to script path / $PHP_SELF url: https://mountain.scura.red/ # Root URL to use in absolute URLs (you should only need to change this if # the automatic detection does not work). $CONFIG_DIR should be in here. # url-root: http://domain.example/ # Default theme name (see the "themes" key) theme: new # Whether the listing should be narrow narrow: False # Whether the list images and text should be small small: False # Default minibar orientation (horizontal or vertical) minibar-orientation: horizontal # The top banner banner: # Either "text" or "image" type: text # Text to display if type is text; image URL if type is image # Templum syntax is accepted here. Defaults to the portal's name when type is # text. content: '{{$name}}' # Sites you want to link to # Format: # machine-readable-name--only-letters-numbers-underscores-and-hyphens: # name: Name you want visitors to see # icon: Icon filename under $CONFIG_DIR/icons & $CONFIG_DIR/icons/small # url: URL of the site # desc: Optional text description # index: Set to False to hide in the main list; leave out otherwise # minibar: Set to False to hide in the minibar list; leave out otherwise sites: s.zeid.me: name: S. Zeid icon: s-zeid.png url: https://s.zeid.me/ desc: Sometimes penguin. bnay.me: name: Bnay me! url: https://bnay.me/ green-midget-cafe: name: Green Midget Café icon: greenmidgetcafe.png url: https://www.greenmidgetcafe.com/ desc: A tribute to Monty Python's "SPAM" sketch. amirunninglinux: name: Am I Running Linux? icon: tux.png url: https://amirunninglinux.com/ desc: See if you're running Linux, the world's best operating system. mountain-einaudi: name: "Mountain" by Ludovico Einaudi icon: mountain-einaudi.png url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FusQsAexzsk desc: The namesake of this server. # Extra content to put in the footer. This can be disclaimers, contact info, # or anything else you see fit. Templum syntax is accepted here. custom-footer-content: |

Icon adapted from the Elements sheet music book by Ludovico Einaudi.

Hosted on a Hetzner VPS running Alpine Linux.

View settings file

# Extra content to put in the HTML head element. Templum syntax is # accepted here. custom-head-content: | [[if (!$minibar) {]][[}]] # Whether to show W3C Validator links # Set to False if you don't want to show them, or if you know that your portal # will not validate and you don't want to fix it (although you should) show-validator-links: True # Optional value for the link target attribute; defaults to nothing # Example: _blank link-target: # Optional Google Analytics credentials google-analytics: # Account number account: # Set to "old" if you want to use the old style code; new is recommended. style: new # Optional OpenID header tag stuff # # You would get these URLs from your OpenID provider's help pages; look for a # section that says something like "Use your own URL" and gives you some HTML # code. Then take the URLs from that code and paste them into the respective # keys here. # # You can omit either provider and local_id or server and delegate if your # provider does not give you those URLs. However, server and provider are # often the same, as are delegate and local_id. openid: # OpenID server URL server: # OpenID provider URL provider: # Delegate URL delegate: # Local ID URL local_id: # XRDS URL xrds: # Themes # Templum syntax is accepted here. # # You can also set an optional "custom_css" key for each theme, which, as # its name suggests, lets you add custom CSS to that theme. The CSS will # be added to the end of the original stylesheet. Templum is accepted in # custom CSS, and you also have access to a $theme array, which contains # all of the other settings for the theme. themes: new: bg: '#F8F8F8' fg: ['#222', '#222', '#FFF', '#FFF'] logo_bg: '#F8F8F8' logo_border: '#F8F8F8' ico_bg: '#F8F8F8' link_bg: '#F8F8F8' link_bg_h: '#800' link_bg_a: '#600' custom_css: | .site .name { color: #A00; } #action_minibar { background: transparent; text-align: right; } #action_minibar a.highlight { background: #800; color: #FFF; } #body { margin-bottom: 2em; } #footer a { color: #A00; } new-green: bg: '#E0E0E0' fg: ['#222', '#222', '#FFF', '#FFF'] logo_bg: '#E0E0E0' logo_border: '#E0E0E0' ico_bg: '#E0E0E0' link_bg: '#E0E0E0' link_bg_h: '#060' link_bg_a: '#040' custom_css: | #action_minibar { background: transparent; text-align: right; } #action_minibar a.highlight { background: #060; color: #FFF; } #footer a { color: #060; } wp-2011-red: bg: '#F1F1F1' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: '#700' logo_border: '#300' #fg: ['#111', '#222', '#333', '#444'] #logo_bg: '#FFF' #logo_border: '#BBB' ico_bg: '#FFF' link_bg: '#800' link_bg_h: '#700' link_bg_a: '#600' red: bg: '#636363 url("") repeat-x fixed' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: '#700' logo_border: '#300' ico_bg: '#FFF' link_bg: '#800' link_bg_h: '#700' link_bg_a: '#600' red-dark-bg: bg: '#444' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: '#600' logo_border: '#300' ico_bg: '#FFF' link_bg: '#700' link_bg_h: '#600' link_bg_a: '#500' brown-red: bg: '#441A00' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: '#700' logo_border: '#300' ico_bg: '#500' link_bg: '#900' link_bg_h: '#800' link_bg_a: '#700' red-green: bg: '#040' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: '#700' logo_border: '#300' ico_bg: '#500' link_bg: '#900' link_bg_h: '#800' link_bg_a: '#700' win-classic: bg: '#3A6EA5' fg: ['#FFF', '#EEE', '#DDD', '#CCC'] logo_bg: transparent logo_border: '#FFF' ico_bg: '#3A6EA5' link_bg: '#0A246A' # Alternate: A6CAF0 link_bg_h: '#0A246A' link_bg_a: '#0A246A'